Community Room (Multi-Purpose room)
The community room is dedicated to Donald (Donnie) Kaulbach, a local businessman, long time member of town council and avid supporter of the Fire Department. Donnie got the ball rolling again on the construction of the new fire hall with his generous donation of $100,000. Then surprisingly, and to our excitement, followed it up with another $100,000 donation shortly thereafter. Sadly, Donnie passed away before he could see the result of his generosity, but his legacy will remain for many years to come. Dedicated on October 2, 2010.
Pictured Here:
Then Chief Robbie Brown, Accepting one of two $100,000 Donations from Mr Donald Kaulbach.
Firefighter Club Room (Lounge)
The firefighter lounge is dedicated to the long term and exceptional efforts of the Hill family. The "Hill Girls" were tireless in their efforts to support the fire department. Whether it was through selling tickets or taking part in walk-a-thons, you could count on the Hill Family to be the first to volunteer. The family continued in their support, even after their passing, by leaving their home as a donation to the department. Even though they supported many causes in Bridgetown, including the Bridgetown Arena and other sporting venues, the fire department held a special place in their hearts. Dedicated on October 2, 2010
Pictured Here:The Hill Family.
Back Row (L-R): Ida, Jim, Blanche
Front Row: Edna (Scissors) and mother Rita
The Corner Stone
Unveiled at the Grand Opening, October 2 2010, by Bridgetown's Youth Ambassador, Bryan Rice and one of the youngest members of the BVFD, Brendan Skelton. The corner stone was dedicated to the Community support. The plaque reads, "Dedicated to volunteer firefighters and in recognition of community generosity and support; past, present and future. Officially opened October 2, 2010". This stone can be seen near the public entrance on the north side of the building.
Lawrence Powell Photo
Annapolis County Spectator